
Make Your News Work for You

For centuries, we’ve been consuming news and information from news sources that monopolize the industry. But the dawn of technology and the internet has liberalized this industry allowing more people to cover their own news and publish it. Syndicated news networks are faced with a growing number of independent news agencies, being able to cover news locally faster. It also opens the danger of fake news over social media platforms. reports that “estimated total U.S. daily newspaper circulation (print and digital combined) in 2018 was 28.6 million for weekday and 30.8 million for Sunday, down 8% and 9%, respectively, from the previous year.” This does not include information and news published in non-English languages and in English-speaking countries outside the United States. This means, we’re looking to into billions of stories that go out every day, with a small portion of it ending in our phone screens or laptops as we consume them based on our interests and preferences.

It takes a lot of work to curate your own information and news that is why we tend to rely on our usual news sources even though sometimes, we sense that there is bias or unwarranted opinions. Here are some ways to make news work for your and not the other way around.

Bookmark your trusted sites

When it comes to gathering and curating information, be selective and critical. Not all major news agencies are reliable, the same goes with small independent news outfits. Before you hit bookmark on a website, check its reputation with others. Usually, news websites tend to support a certain political party or group and amplify their message. This is media bias and it is important to subscribe to those that offer you a neutral stand. 

Countercheck using alternative sources

When reading your cup of daily news, don’t believe what you read immediately. When in doubt, visit other websites that cover the same story. You may be able to ascertain if some information has been omitted or added to a news story. Independent news agencies can be good sources of counterchecking information from major news networks and vise verse. Be careful of propaganda and stories that incite falsehoods.

Subscribe to curated news and information sites

Curated news websites can be the most helpful companion for you if you want your news collected and personalized. Receive information that is relevant to you and offers unbiased and truthful reporting. No need to visit so many websites or get distracted by fake news articles.

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